So on that day none torments any like His torment.
On that day, no retribution could be worse than His retribution
But on that Day none will punish as He (Allah) will punish
But none can punish as He will punish on that day
So (on) that day no one tortures His torture
God’s punishment (passed to the guilty one) on that day, is not comparable with any punishment that man has ever suffered with
So on that day, no one punishes like He does
So on that day none can punish like unto HIS punishment
But that Day no one will be able to torment like His torment
So on that day none but He shall execute His punishment
So on that Day, none will punish as He will punish
That day, (God’s) punishment will be like no other affliction.
On that day, no one will torment [anyone] with torment like His,
On that day, none will punish as He punishes,
And nothing can cause him more suffering at that time than the suffering by Him!
"On that day, no one will punish as He will punish!"
But then no one requites for sins the way Allah does
So on that day, no one’s punishment will be like His punishment,